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Which Virši electricity product should you choose?

Each product has its advantages: 

  • The Fixed product is good for those who seek stability, predictability, and the ability to plan how much they spend on electricity. With the Fixed electricity product, you will have a fixed electricity price for 24 months.
  • The Dynamic product is good for everyone. But for those who are prepared to adjust their electricity consumption – using more during hours when electricity prices are particularly low and using less during hours when electricity prices are high – it also gives you the opportunity to manage your overall costs over the long term. In the Dynamic product, the price of electricity is variable and changes every hour according to changes on the Nord Pool electricity exchange. The electricity exchange prices are influenced by the level of production and consumption (supply and demand) every hour. 
  • Whether you choose the Great Package or the Mighty Package, you can choose the electricity product that suits you best – Fixed or Dynamic – and get a discount on Virši fuel and purchases at Virši power stations. All from the same trader. If you are interested in increased fuel discounts every day, but your daily mileage is low, the Starter Package will be most beneficial, but if you drive every day and also regularly visit the service station store – we recommend you choose the Mighty Package.

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What is the monthly payment?

The monthly payment is part of the electricity price for all electricity products. It makes up the total electricity payment amount together with the kilowatt-hour (kWh) price.

This is how we can adjust the electricity payment according to the amount of consumed kWh: the higher the consumption, the lower the cost per 1 kWh.

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How often can I change products and what should I keep in mind?

If you are a Virši electricity user, you can change your current electricity product by calling Virši customer service on 80 700 070 or sending an e-mail to 

You may change the product no more than once a month.

If you change from a Fixed and/or a package with Fixed Electricity to any other product, a cancellation fee will apply according to the terms of the product. 

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Where can I keep track of the exchange price?

Currently, only the Nord Pool exchange is active in Latvia. This market platform has a Latvian price area where the market price is set for each hour. You can view the current prices of the Latvian price area of the Nord Pool exchange at the following link. 

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If I have solar panels, which electricity product should I choose?

Each electricity product has its own advantages.


You can choose products with fixed or dynamic electricity prices. Please note that if you choose a dynamic product, you will not be able to adjust the average electricity price with changes in your consumption habits, because data according to the typical load distribution schedule will be used for electricity billing.


This means that the charge for electricity, if a tariff linked to the Nord Pool exchange price is used, is not affected by the days and hours when the electricity is actually used.
You can read more about the typical load distribution schedule here.

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Does Virši offer a Universal service?

The Universal service price is EUR 0.20000 per kWh including VAT. 
The contract period is 12 months, with a minimum product use period of 1 month. The product has no early termination fee. 
Call 80 700 070 to apply for the product.

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Where can I see up-to-date information about my contracts and invoices?

You can always find all the latest information on our self-service website Virši Tev.
You can view your current contracts in the Contracts section and your invoices in the Invoices section of Virši Tev.

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How can I become a Virši electricity customer?

Becoming a Virši electricity customer is easy.

  • Choose one of the electricity products from Virši;
  • Sign the contract on the website or call Virši customer service on 80 700 070.

We will handle the rest of the things that need to be done when changing trader.

To get a discount on fuel and purchases in Virši stores, download the Virši mobile app.


Important! You must provide information about the change of electricity trader by the 9th date of the month in order to receive electricity from your chosen trader from the 1st date of the following month.

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Are the terms of a distance contract valid when concluding an electricity contract with Virši?

Yes, distance contracts are subject to the terms of a distance contract – everyone has the right to withdraw from the chosen service within 14 days.

If you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal, please contact Virši customer service on 80 700 070.

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How often can I change electricity trader?

You can change electricity trader once a month. However, we urge you to check the early termination price terms in your electricity contract. 

For a new contract to be effective from the 1st date of the following month, you must notify your chosen trader by the 9th date of the current month.

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Where can I see the terms and conditions of my electricity contract?

You can find the terms and conditions of your electricity contract in the Contracts section of Virši Tev. In this section you can download the contract.

You can read the current general terms and conditions of the contract at any time here

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Can I have a contract for multiple sites?

The electricity contract is concluded individually for every site. If you have multiple sites, you can conclude contracts for all of them with Virši, but each site will have a separate contract. You can choose the product that suits each of the sites best. 

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Can I conclude a contract remotely? Can I sign it electronically?

You do not have to physically sign the electricity contract! Digital or verbal confirmation is sufficient to conclude the contract.

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What are the terms for terminating the contract and what do I have to do once the contract expires?

The Dynamic electricity product comes with an open-ended contract that only expires when you want it to.


The Fixed electricity product comes with a 24 month contract. When your contract is about to expire, we will contact you to arrange further cooperation, either by extending your contract or by offering you another product.


Please note that if you terminate your Fixed electricity contract before it expires, a termination fee will apply in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.

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Is there a penalty for early termination?

A termination fee must be paid if you have a fixed-term contract and wish to terminate it before the end of the contract term.

The contract printout shows the contract term and the initial termination fee. This fee decreases proportionally with every subsequent quarter by an amount calculated by dividing the early termination fee by the number of quarters within the contract period.

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Submitting meter readings

Where can I submit my meter readings and how?

If you have a smart meter, you do not have to submit your meter readings. We will automatically receive the data on your consumption. 

If you have a traditional meter, you can submit your meter readings once a month (between the 27th and the 3rd date) via the AS Sadales tīkls self-service portal

If you forget to submit your meter readings, you will be invoiced based on your average consumption.

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What happens if I do not submit my meter readings?

If no meter readings are provided, the amount consumed is estimated based on the average consumption of the user.

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When will I get my electricity invoice and where?

You will receive an electricity invoice for the electricity you consumed in the previous month via e-mail by the 10th date of the current month. 
The Invoices section of Virši Tev has information about your electricity invoices and is a quick and easy way to pay your invoices.

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Will the invoice include support for protected users?

When you apply for Virši electricity, the state-provided electricity discount will not apply.
We are currently working to ensure that the protected user receives the discount in the near future.

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What does your total electricity invoice amount consist of?

Your total electricity invoice amount consists of several parts:

  • the price at which electricity is purchased from the trader, and it depends on the product chosen;
  • the fee for the services of the distribution system operator, which is set by AS Sadales tīkls;
  • 21% value-added tax.

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What is the deadline for paying my electricity invoice?

The electricity invoices are due by the 25th date of the month.

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How can I pay my electricity invoice?

You can pay electricity invoices via the self-service portal Virši Tev or via your online banking system as a transfer to one of Virsi-A accounts:


AS “Swedbank”: LV45HABA0551002267358
AS “SEB banka”: LV28UNLA0026000404101
AS “Citadele Banka”: LV81PARX0007054690001
AS “Luminor Bank” : LV76RIKO0002930340607


Please indicate the customer number and invoice number in the payment order!

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Can I be invoiced for more than one site?

If you have multiple sites registered with AS Sadales tīkls and you have concluded an electricity trading contract with Virši for those sites, Virši will include all the sites in one invoice.

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The source of energy

What is the origin of the electricity sold by Virši?

For now, we only sell electricity of uncertified origin to our customers. The origin of such electricity is reported annually by the transmission system operator AS Augstsprieguma tīkls and can be found here.

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Neto uzskaites sistēma

Can I change electricity trader if I am a member of the Neto metering system?

Yes, members of the Neto metering system can change their electricity trader.


The net metering system is available only to households that produce electricity from renewable energy sources and is applied automatically starting the day after receiving the permit to connect the microgenerator.


Neto consumption is calculated by subtracting the electricity transferred to the network (kWh) from the consumed electricity (kWh).


New customers will be able to join the Neto accounting system until 30.04.2024.


In the future, it is planned to introduce a Neto billing system, which will not only account for the amount of electricity produced and consumed by the customer, but also determine the value of this energy in monetary terms. The Neto payment system is not yet available.

Learn more here.

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What happens to the Neto accrual for a member of the Net Accounting System when changing traders?

In the case of a change of electricity trader, the Neto savings remain.


Important! If user changes are made to the object, the Neto accrual is deleted. For the new user, the Neto accrual is created from scratch.

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Cik ilgi būs spēkā neto uzskaites sistēma?

Mājsaimniecības, kuras NUS būs pievienojušās līdz 2024. gada 30. aprīlim, to varēs izmantot vēl piecus gadus – līdz 2029. gada 28. februārim. Uzsākot zaļās enerģijas ražošanu pēc 30.04.2024., mājsaimniecībām ir iespējams pievienoties tikai jaunajai – neto norēķinu sistēmai. 

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Neto Norēķinu sistēma (turpmāk NNS)

Ar ko atšķiras Neto uzskaites sistēma no Neto norēķinu sistēmas?

Galvenā atšķirība starp abām sistēmām ir tā, ka saražotās elektroenerģijas pārpalikuma vērtība NNS tiks uzskaitīta naudas izteiksmē, kamēr NUS uzskaite notiek kilovatstundās. 

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Ko paredz jaunā neto norēķinu sistēma?

NNS paredz šādus jauninājumus:

  • saražoto elektroenerģiju varēs izmantot arī citos objektos;
  • neto norēķinu sistēmā varēs iesaistīties ne vien mājsaimniecības, bet arī uzņēmumi Ministru kabineta noteiktajā kārtībā;
  • pievienošanās sistēmai nebūs automātiska, klientam par pakalpojuma izmantošanu būs jāvienojas ar kādu no elektroenerģijas tirgotājiem.

Plašāka informācija pieejama: MK noteikumi Nr. 635.

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Kas neto norēķinu sistēmā notiks ar saražotās enerģijas pārpalikumu?

Nepatērēto enerģiju Virši uzkrās “virtuālajā maciņā”, ko varēs izmantot elektroenerģijas rēķina, tostarp sistēmas pakalpojumu izmaksu, segšanai.

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Kāds ir Viršu piedāvājums Neto Norēķinu sistēmas pakalpojumam?

No 2024. gada 1. maija saviem klientiem piedāvājam NNS universālo pakalpojumu:

  • Saražotās elektrības iepirkuma cena noteikta atbilstoši Nord Pool biržas Latvijas tirdzniecības apgabala attiecīgās stundas cenai, piemērojot tai samazinājumu 0,02 €/kWh un tā nav zemāka par 0 €/kWh;
  • Līgums tiek slēgts uz nenoteiktu laiku, savukārt minimālais pakalpojuma lietošanas termiņš ir 6 mēneši;
  • Līgums ir spēkā tik ilgi, kamēr vien ražojošajam objektam ir elektroenerģijas tirdzniecības līgums ar Viršiem un tiek ievēroti citi pakalpojuma lietošanas nosacījumi atbilstoši MK noteikumiem Nr. 635;
  • Laužot šo līgumu pirms noteiktā termiņa, līguma laušanas maksa netiek piemērota;
  • Ja tiek izvēlēts cits elektroenerģijas tirgotājs vai objektam mainās lietotājs, līgums automātiski tiek izbeigts.

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Kā pieteikties Viršu NNS piedāvājumam?

 Zvani Viršu klientu centram uz tālruņa numuru 80 700 070 ( P.-Pk. 08.00-17.00).

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Kas notiks ar NUS palikušo uzkrājumu (kWh), kad tiks noslēgts NNS Universālā pakalpojuma līgums?

Mājsaimniecības, kuras šobrīd lieto NUS, to varēs izmantot līdz 2029. gada 28. februārim. Savukārt, mājsaimniecības, kas pāries no NUS uz NNS laikā no 2024. gada 1. maija līdz 2025. gada 28. februārim, varēs saņemt Neto uzskaites sistēmas uzkrājuma izmaksu naudā.


Lai saņemtu uzkrājumu naudā, klientam jāraksta iesniegums Viršiem ( ar lūgumu mājsaimniecības NUS uzkrājumu saņemt savā bankas kontā. Aprēķini tiks veikti, reizinot uzkrātās kilovatstundas (kWh) ar 0,092 EUR (Nord Pool biržas Latvijas tirdzniecības apgabala vidējo cenu par megavatstundu (MWh) tirdzniecības periodā no 2023. gada 1. marta līdz 2024. gada 29. februārim). Mājsaimniecībām būs pieejams elektrības uzkrājums, kas nepārsniedz 600 EUR. Ja uzkrājums būs lielāks, starpība tiks dzēsta bez atlīdzības. 

Aicinām sekot līdzi savam Neto uzskaites sistēmas uzkrājumam un izvēlēties piemērotāko brīdi norēķinu veidu maiņai! No finansiāli izteiktās uzkrājuma vērtības tiks atrēķināts iedzīvotāju ienākumu nodoklis 23% apmērā, un iegūto gala summu Sadales tīkls pārskaitīs uz klienta bankas kontu.


Ja tiek veikta uzskaites sistēmas maiņa, jaunajā sistēmā lietotājam neto uzkrājums veidojas no nulles.

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Kādas ir aktīvā lietotāja tiesības un pienākumi elektroenerģijas neto norēķinu sistēmā?

Aktīvā  lietotāja tiesības un pienākumi:

  1. ir jābūt spēkā esošam elektroenerģijas tirdzniecības līgumam ar Viršiem par objektu, kurā no atjaunīgiem energoresursiem tiek ražota elektroenerģija pašpatēriņam;
  2. objektus, kuriem piemēro neto norēķinu sistēmu, apkalpo viens sistēmas operators (AS Sadales tīkls) un viens tirgotājs (Virši);
  3. papildu objektu pieslēgšana un atslēgšana no neto norēķinu sistēmas notiek, informējot elektroenerģijas tirgotāju;
  4. norēķinus drīkst attiecināt arī uz vairākiem aktīvā lietotāja pieslēgumiem;
  5. lietotājam jāievēro MK noteikumos noteiktais maksimāli pieļaujamais elektrotīklā nodotās un pašpatēriņam neizmantotās elektroenerģijas pārpalikums.

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Cik bieži es varēšu mainīt neto uzskaites sistēmas?

Mājsaimniecības NUS vietā varēs izvēlēties NNS tikai vienreiz - atgriezties atpakaļ uz NUS nebūs iespējams! 

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Virši Renergy and Virši-A

SIA Virši Renergy is an electricity trader 100% owned by AS Virši-A, registered in accordance with the laws and regulations, which sells electricity to users throughout Latvia. To serve households, SIA Virši Renergy has concluded a contract with AS Virši-A for the provision of contracting and settlement services.

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How can I become a Virši electricity customer?

Becoming a Virši electricity customer is easy.

  • Choose one of the electricity products from Virši;
  • Sign the contract on the website or call Virši customer service on 80 700 070.

We will handle the rest of the things that need to be done when changing trader.

To get a discount on fuel and purchases in Virši stores, download the Virši mobile app.


Important! You must provide information about the change of electricity trader by the 9th date of the month in order to receive electricity from your chosen trader from the 1st date of the following month.

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Are the terms of a distance contract valid when concluding an electricity contract with Virši?

Yes, distance contracts are subject to the terms of a distance contract – everyone has the right to withdraw from the chosen service within 14 days.

If you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal, please contact Virši customer service on 80 700 070.

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How often can I change electricity trader?

You can change electricity trader once a month. However, we urge you to check the early termination price terms in your electricity contract. 

For a new contract to be effective from the 1st date of the following month, you must notify your chosen trader by the 9th date of the current month.

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Where can I see the terms and conditions of my electricity contract?

You can find the terms and conditions of your electricity contract in the Contracts section of Virši Tev. In this section you can download the contract.

You can read the current general terms and conditions of the contract at any time here

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Can I have a contract for multiple sites?

The electricity contract is concluded individually for every site. If you have multiple sites, you can conclude contracts for all of them with Virši, but each site will have a separate contract. You can choose the product that suits each of the sites best. 

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Can I conclude a contract remotely? Can I sign it electronically?

You do not have to physically sign the electricity contract! Digital or verbal confirmation is sufficient to conclude the contract.

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What are the terms for terminating the contract and what do I have to do once the contract expires?

The Dynamic electricity product comes with an open-ended contract that only expires when you want it to.


The Fixed electricity product comes with a 24 month contract. When your contract is about to expire, we will contact you to arrange further cooperation, either by extending your contract or by offering you another product.


Please note that if you terminate your Fixed electricity contract before it expires, a termination fee will apply in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract.

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Is there a penalty for early termination?

A termination fee must be paid if you have a fixed-term contract and wish to terminate it before the end of the contract term.

The contract printout shows the contract term and the initial termination fee. This fee decreases proportionally with every subsequent quarter by an amount calculated by dividing the early termination fee by the number of quarters within the contract period.

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