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Virši concludes an agreement on attracting financing for the construction of a biomethane production plant in Latvia

Taking the next step towards achieving its strategic goals, AS VIRŠI-A in cooperation with project partners signed an agreement with the European Energy Efficiency Fund (EEEF) to secure funding for the development of a biomethane production plant in Latvia.

Virši opens the most powerful electric car charging point in Riga

Continuing the development of the electric car charging network, energy commodities trader and convenience store network AS VIRŠI-A opens the most powerful electric charging station in the very centre of Riga – Satekles Street 2. 

Virši invests EUR 2.2million into a new service station in Sigulda

On May 31, the newest location of the energy commodities trader and convenience store network AS VIRŠI-A  opens in the town of Sigulda, Nītaures street 22. The company invested EUR 2.2million into the construction of the facility, developing a 10,000m2 area by the Vidzeme highway. 

Switching from net metering to net billing – what do solar panel owners need to know?

This May has brought significant changes to the electricity market, affecting most households that generate their own electricity from renewable sources.

Virši closes 2023 with significant investments and strong financial results

Last year, the energy commodities trader and convenience store network Virši (Virši-A AS and its affiliated Group companies) continued its targeted growth, closing the year with a consolidated unaudited profit of EUR 5.1 million.

Virši is expanding: in spring the Company will launch in Lithuania

Energy trader and convenience store network Virši plans to commence its operations in Lithuania in spring 2024. The first Virši service station in Lithuania will be located in the south of the country, on the A5 motorway near the town of Marijampolė.

Virši opens its electric car charging network and marks the further development of this service

Currently, in the Virši network, charging of electric cars is already available at 17 service stations – nine of them in cooperation with the VAS "Road Traffic Safety Directorate" (CSDD), the rest are service stations of the Company`s brand.