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Frequently asked questions

How do I apply for the Shareholder Loyalty Programme?

If you have purchased at least 100 shares, then fill in the questionnaire in section: Why invest.
The information is processed on the 10th day of each month, and a shareholder loyalty card is made and sent within 5 business days to the address provided in the questionnaire.

Where to report if my shareholder card doesn’t work?

For any matters regarding the shareholder card, please write to or, providing your name and shareholder card number.  

What if I am a returning shareholder and want to use my previously issued card in the Shareholder Loyalty Programme?

If you have purchased at least 100 shares again and you still have your previous shareholder card, please write to or, so that we can activate your card. If you want to use an existing card, we can activate it after verifying the information. Please send the information and your confirmation to the aforementioned email if you want us to verify your data. 

Does Virši pay dividends?

During the fiscal year, up to 20% of the consolidated profit of the company is planned to be paid as dividends to shareholders. You can find Virši Dividend Policy here and in the Dividend Policy section of the Prospectus.

As a shareholder, how can I get the information about Virši performance?

Company news is published in stock exchange announcements, and anyone can in addition sign up for company newsletters. Virši shares are listed on Nasdaq Riga First North, so you can find us in the “First North Stock List”.

How can I become a Virši shareholder?

Becoming an investor is easier than you may think. Choose a bank or brokerage company to open your securities account. For more complete information and understanding about the process, we recommend contacting your chosen bank or broker. We receive information on new shareholders from the depositary on a monthly basis. 

What is the Virši Shareholder Loyalty Programme?

It is an additional benefits programme for buying fuel and other goods at the Virši petrol station chain. Purchasing at least 100 shares, an investor can become a member of the Programme and receive 8 cents off each litre of fuel and 30% off coffee, meals, automotive products, refillable windshield washer fluid and car wash. Loyalty Programme members also receive an email newsletter at least once every six months with updates on the company and industry news, as well as an e-voucher for the season's new products free of charge.