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The story of Virši fuel

The story of Virši fuel



We have prepared answers to questions that will allow you to better understand how we take care of fuel quality at Virši. You will also learn interesting facts about fuel that will definitely come in handy!


Join the thousands of people who refuel at Virši stations every day!



Useful answers that will help you

How does the fuel get to the fuel station?

Virši orders fuel from the Orlen Lietuva refinery, which receives petroleum produced in the North Sea, Saudi Arabia, the USA and other regions of the world.
The petroleum products produced comply with European Union quality standards EN 590 and EN 228, as well as the quality standards of petroleum products applied in the Republic of Latvia.

The fuel is delivered to Virši fuel depots in Latvia by rail, where additives (a renewable component, functional EVO diesel fuel additives) are added, colour marked and its quality is checked.
More than 10 fuel carriers deliver fuel from the fuel depots to the Virši fuel stations and wholesale customers 24/7.

Virši takes care of fuel quality by regularly maintaining and checking the filters, through which the fuel flows, at every stage of its delivery from the refinery to the fuel pumps.

How is the quality of fuel ensured?

Virši provides strict fuel quality control conditions:

  • automatic condensate/water monitoring,
  • regular cleaning and inspection of fuel tanks,
  • fuel storage barrels are equipped with double walls,
  • maintenance of fuel pump filters twice a year (spring and autumn).

Find out the key differences between the fuels

  • 95 and 98 are petrol types derived from crude oil. These petrol types have different octane numbers, which means different ignition temperatures, and each car manufacturer has determined the most suitable type of petrol for their car model. According to EU regulations, a 10% renewable bioethanol component is added to 95 petrol.
  • DD fuel, one of the most demanded types of fuel in Latvia, is also a crude oil product. According to EU regulations, a renewable component of 7% is added to diesel fuel, as well as, at the discretion of the trader, functional additives.
  • AD is agro-diesel or farm diesel. It has the same qualities as diesel fuel, but with a green label which identifies the purpose for which it is used. This fuel is available to farmers at a reduced excise duty.
  • Heating fuel is subject to a different rate of excise duty and is marked with a red label, indicating the purpose of its use.

Why does water form in the fuel tank of the vehicle?

Water in the fuel tank of the vehicle can form from condensation that collects on the walls of the tank, e.g., a regularly empty tank can collect condensate, or condensate forms due to the tank getting hot while the vehicle is in motion and cooling down while the vehicle is parked.


Accordingly, the longer you drive with a low fuel level, the more condensate forms, which results in a higher proportion of water in the fuel tank. In order to monitor the fuel level in the tanks and ensure that there is no water in them, each fuel station of the Virši network is connected to the Pro Gauge fuel monitoring system, in addition to which a monthly measurement of water in the Virši fuel is performed.

Why does the fuel pistol bounce when the fuel tank is full?

Each fuel pistol is equipped with a fuel gauge that measures how full the tank is with millimetre accuracy.

This is determined by a small special air tube inside the pistol, through which the air flows into the pistol from the tank, and as soon as the tank is filled with fuel, the air flow is no longer present, the pistol valve is blocked, and the fuel supply is cut off.

Why is there no noticeable smell of fuel at the fuel station?

The fuel station is equipped with a system for absorbing the vapour emitted by the fuel, so that most of this vapour is not released into the atmosphere but returns to the fuel storage tank. The fuel carrier adds a STAGE 1 system for collecting vapour when draining the fuel on the landing bench.
The fuel filling pistol has a built-in STAGE 2 system for collecting vapour and is inspected once a year.

What to do if the fuel pistol is torn off?

The vehicle to be refuelled must be parked close enough to the fuel pump to easily place the pistol in the fuel tank. 
Before driving away, it is important to make sure that the fuel pistol is placed back in the fuel pump.
In the event that the fuel pistol is torn off, it must be reported to the fuel station employee as soon as possible.
Most importantly, do not leave the scene of the accident, but report it, as it can happen to anyone. At fuel stations, the pistol is torn off several times a week.

How long can fuel be stored and how (in a can, barrel)?

The fuel itself does not have an expiration date; however, essential conditions must be taken into account when storing the fuel:

  • it must be filled in suitable and specialised refuelling containers, which are hermetically sealed to prevent condensation,
  • containers should be stored in appropriate conditions: do not place in the sun, do not place where precipitation may affect them,
  • the container must be marked with when it was filled and what type of fuel it is.

What is the difference between winter and summer fuel?

Summer diesel can withstand temperatures up to -5 °С degrees. 

During the winter in Latvia, diesel fuel is divided into three Arctic classes:


  • A0 – clouding temperature -10 °С degrees; filtration -20 °С degrees,
  • A1 – clouding temperature -16 °С degrees; filtration -26 °С degrees,
  • A2 – clouding temperature -22 °С degrees; filtration -32 °С degrees (this is the most durable winter diesel fuel available in Latvia).

Why choose Virši?

  • Professionalism
    29 years of industry experience
  • Convenience
    Fuel and electricity from one supplier
  • Local company
    83 Virši locations and more than 850 employees
  • Company listed on the stock exchange
    In 2021, the company’s shares were listed on Nasdaq Riga stock exchange