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Keeping up with excellent taste

Keeping up with excellent taste

The story of Virši coffee

In producing Virši brand coffee, we think about quality and make sure that the growth, transportation and preparation of coffee has as little effect on the environment as possible.  
No contradictions. No waste.
Watch the episode
The story of Virši coffee
The sustainability path of Virši coffee

The sustainability path of Virši coffee

Responsible and good for us, for you and especially for the environment.

Virši coffee begins its existence at a plantation in Brazil that is owned by the Veloso family.  The plantation operates on the basis of sustainability principles, and the result is that Virši brand coffee has been certified by the Rainforest Alliance.


From harvest to cup, we make sure that the process is equally responsible.


*To ensure the quality of Viršu coffee, the discount applies to the mug you bring with you, which is a thermos, glass, metal or ceramic mug designed for repeated use. Discount does not apply to disposable cups.

Episode 1

Episode 1

On the hunt for coffee beans.

Watch the video and learn how Virši coffee beans are selected in far-away South America!



180ha coffee tree plantations

180ha coffee tree plantations

Our coffee story begins thousands of kilometers beyond Latvia's borders - in Brazil and Colombia, where they know everything about coffee. Every year, our representatives go to coffee farms, visit farms and coffee tree plantations.


Upon arrival at the farms, the quality and productivity of the coffee trees is assessed. For Viršu coffee, coffee trees are selected that provide only the highest quality coffee berries, which will later turn into Viršu coffee beans.

Coffee harvesters

Coffee harvesters

In the vast coffee plantations, the coffee is harvested with special harvesters that extract the coffee berries without harming the trees. In places where harvesters are not available, coffee is harvested by hand.

Before picking the berries, they are tasted while still on the tree. Coffee berries have a fruity taste that they keep until they reach our cups!

Sorting of coffee berries

Processing of harvested berries
After harvesting, the coffee berries are sorted according to their ripeness and quality. Only the highest quality coffee berries are selected for Virši coffee, and after careful drying and processing, the berry is separated from the coffee seed, which is then turned into a coffee bean.
Episode 2

Episode 2

The power of roasting

Watch the video and discover the secrets of roasting Virši coffee beans


Virši coffee – Now also in sachets!

After countless customer requests, we have taken Virši coffee one step further and now offer ground coffee or coffee beans for home brewing!
Special offer
Virši coffee – Now also in sachets!
Episode 3

Episode 3

Precision demonstration

Watch the video and get to know Virši coffee-super-machines!


Virši super-coffee-super-machines

The irresistible taste of Virši coffee comes not only from the beans, but also from the machine that grinds the beans right when the coffee is being made. Virši coffee machines are made in Switzerland and their quality is ensured not only by numerous quality certificates, but also by the handwork involved in the making of the machine.


Episode 4

Episode 4

The story of our Virši people

Watch the video and see by yourself that VIrši employees are coffee gurus!


Our employees – Virši coffee experts

Every employee of the station undergoes coffee training, during which they learn about the selection of beans in South America, the specifics of roasting, as well as the maintenance of our coffee machines. The machine is checked every morning and the coffee is tasted to make sure that only the highest quality and taste is offered to the customer.





Our friends – the coffee masters

The story of Viršu coffee is also the story of the Rocket Bean Roastery coffee masters. Rocket Bean Roastery, like Virši, is a local company that first started coffee roasting in Latvia, having previously gained knowledge and experience in other countries. The coffee masters not only follow every step of the roasting process, but they also test the coffee themselves - always in the morning, when the taste palette is clean and the senses perceive it best.
Learn more
Our friends – the coffee masters